Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in model engineering in its widest possible application or determination. All that is required is for an application form to be completed, fees paid and submitted to the ASME Committee. It is expected that members will be available for the roster for running of the railway on a regular basis. Download our Membership Application Form.
Membership categories are Junior, Ordinary, Senior and Country.
Juniors are those under 18 years of age and Seniors are those over the age of 65 years at 30 September each year. Country members are those who reside outside a radius of 40kms from the Clubhouse.
There are also several other categories of special membership determined by the committee or members (i.e. Honorary, Life Members and Affiliates).
Benefits of Membership
Members gain many benefits from belonging to the Society – these include………………….
- Regularly associate with people of similar interest at meetings & Sunday running
- Gain information, experience and confidence to undertake your own modelling interest
- Work to improve the facilities of the Society
- Operate the miniature railway and get pleasure from giving families low cost entertainment
- Receive the monthly newsletter (The Micrometer) with interesting information
- Buy often hard-to-get parts at preferred rates from the Society’s own stocks
- Opportunity to buy various items of ME interest from other members
How to become a Member
It’s easy to become a member. Complete a Membership Application Form and post or email to the Society. See Contact Us for details
Or come along to a monthly meeting to see how we operate – you will be most welcome. See meetings.
Call for Volunteers
Operating the miniature railway requires a team of 4 to 5 people every Sunday between about 12.30 and 4.30pm. This is so the railway can be run safely under the ASME operating code and in line with the amusement devices regulations.
Volunteers can assist in roles at the station such as selling tickets, loading passengers and clipping tickets. In addition, in time, operating as a guard on trains is also available. Training is given on the job and you will be issued with an operating guidelines to help you understand the important features of each role. Volunteers are rostered on a month in advance so that you can diary forward the date you will next help to operate the railway – its fun!
Complete a Volunteer Application Form to confirm your interest in becoming a volunteer.
Should you wish in time to progress to driving or being the train controller you can become a member of the Society on a preferred basis.
Stock of Parts
The Society holds a large stock of parts for sale to Members. This includes nuts, bolts and screws of sizes normally required for model engineering together with sheet and bar stock of selected sizes. In addition, there is a range of easy to read booklets on most machine and tool operations to help you gain the necessary skills.
For Sale
From time to time, various items become available for sale either from other members or from within the wider NZ community of model engineers. They can be advertised in The Micrometer, at meetings or by word of mouth. They include machines (lathes, mills, etc), tools, parts or completed/partly built models.