
Monthly Meeting

On the first Tuesday of every month (except January) the Society holds a general meeting of members. Visitors are welcome. The meetings are held upstairs in the Clubhouse and start at 7.30pm. There is a short session of business (including question time), followed by ‘Bits & Pieces” – this is when members get to display and discuss some item of model engineering they have brought along. After, an entertainment item, of 30 mins or so duration, is presented – this may be a short video/DVD, talk by a member (or invited guest), or presentation by a trade supplier of engineering related product. The meeting usually finishes about 9.30pm and is followed by supper. Over a cup of tea or coffee, members can have a close look at the Bits & Pieces or socialise with fellow members.

The Micrometer

Eleven months of the year, a newsletter (called “The Micrometer”) is produced. This carries communications to members such as a calendar of upcoming events, President’s monthly report, photos and details of the last general meeting’s Bits & Pieces session and the roster (for operating the railway over the next few months). There is often an article of model engineering interest provided by a member (or the Editor) and a buy/sell section.

The link for each issue is emailed to members normally one week prior to each general meeting.

Sunday Train Running

A very important part of the Society activities is operating the miniature railway every Sunday afternoon between 1 and 4pm (weather permitting) – this service to the community has been continuously provided for more than 50 years to date. Families and children get immense pleasure from riding the trains for a minor fare made possible due to the voluntary efforts of the members. A crew of four or so members is rostered on for every Sunday – members doing about 6 duties per annum. It is most rewarding to see the smiles on the faces of the passengers after a ride around the track. Funds raised from the operation go to maintaining the railway and the Society’s other facilities.

Working Bees

Periodically a general working bee will be held, most usually on a Saturday from 9am. Various works are undertaken to maintain and improve the Society’s facilities.


The committee is elected at the Annual General Meeting each year – this is usually held in conjunction with the December general meeting. The Committee meets at the clubhouse on the third Tuesday of every month starting at 7.30pm. A variety of business is undertaken to ensure the smooth running of the Society. Members are welcome to attend.

Workshop Nights

These are held from time to time – usually on the second Tuesday of the month at a member’s home or place of work; or at the Clubhouse. Sometimes it is a visit to observe a workshop and the equipment & tools in use, sometimes it may be instructional on methods to undertake a certain job.

Members Fun Runs

Several times a year, a fun run is held at the Club; this enables members and visitors to operate their models on the railway (or in the carpark, if a traction engine) without the pressure of running for the public. It also allows newer members to experience driving a model under the instruction of a suitably qualified member. Often these days finish with a BBQ and social hour.


In the past, the Society held an annual exhibition in the Clubhouse basement. This has not occurred over the past three years while the track updating has been in progress. However other displays are often arranged at events such as Big Boys Toys and the Glenbrook Vintage Railway steam weekends. Members are always encouraged to display an item of model engineering interest and to assist with the makeup, manning and breakdown of these events.

Awards to Members

At the annual exhibitions, those exhibits are judged for series of awards. Categories for the awards cover such things as best beginner’s model, best NZR locomotive, etc, etc. Awards are either Cups, Shields, Painting, etc. The Awards are held by the member from one year to the next when they are returned for the next year’s event. Awards are normally presented at the Annual Dinner held in December.

Donations to Charity

When funds permit, donations are made to suitable charities to assist them in their particular sphere of community work. Available funds come from the operation of the railway every Sunday by volunteers.


ASME does not have any regular sponsors and exists on it’s own strengths. However it gratefully acknowledges support it has received from time to time for specific projects from organisations like Mt Wellington Foundation, ASB and Lion Foundation.

Contact Us

Should you have any question or query, please contact us.